«My name is Harvey Milk and I'm here to recruit you»
Vi, finalmente, Milk, filme de Gus Van Sant que conta a história do activista Harvey Milk, o primeiro homossexual assumido a ser eleito para um cargo público (na Câmara de São Francisco), em 1977. Desconhecia por completo os seus discursos e fiquei bastante surpreendida. Fica aqui um excerto do The Hope Speech - Discurso da Esperança, escrito pouco tempo antes de ser assassinado por um colega conservador da Câmara. O discurso completo pode ser encontrado aqui.
I can't forget the looks on faces of people who've lost hope. Be they gay, be they seniors, be they blacks looking for an almost-impossilbe job, be they Latins trying to explain their problems and aspirations in a tongue that's foreign to them. I personally will never forget that people are more important than buildings. I use the word "I" because I'm proud. I stand here tonight in front of my gay sisters, brothers and friends because I'm proud of you. I think it's time that we have many legislators who are gay and proud of that fact and do not have to remain in the closet. I think that a gay person, up-front, will not walk away from a responsibility and be afraid of being tossed out of office.
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